Welcome to the International Club of Ireland
"Hands across the net, friendship across the ocean "

Welcome to the IC of Ireland


To promote friendship and sportmanship in tennis between Ireland and other countries across the life cycle by hosting fixtures with other IC countries, by supporting tennis development in Ireland and by providing mentorship for young Irish players.

To set the game above renown,
To love the game beyond the prize,
To honour, while you strike him down,
The foe that comes with fearless eyes,
To count the life of battle good,
And dear the land that gave you birth,
And dearer yet the brotherhood,
That binds the brave of all the earth.

-Sir Henry Newbolt...

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IC Council News

May 2024
IC Council e-Newsletter - May 2024

IC Council e-Newsletter - May 2024

Read the latest edition of the IC e-News here. This edition includes IC of GB 2024 Centenary update and ICPF Player Exchange Program.

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Next Article Victory for the IC of Czech Republic at the IC Jiri Medonos Cup by Deltroit (formerly CQS IC June in Prague)
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