October 2021 Join the USIC Week 2022 The USIC is looking forward to seeing many of our friends for IC Week and the 90th USIC Celebration in Washington, DC from August 21-26, 2022. With five Cup competitions involving men and women players of all age groups, it should be a great week for everyone. Columbus Trophy Juego de Pelota La Carreta Mercelis Cup Windmill Cup The USIC is hosting the IC Week and 90th USIC Celebration at the Chevy Chase Club in Chevy Chase, MD which was also the site of the 2008 Jubilee Anniversary IC Week. The Welcome Reception will be on Sunday evening and will give everyone an opportunity to meet and reconnect with IC friends. The closing dinner will be Thursday evening, August 25 with finals scheduled on Friday. The USIC Week and 90th Anniversary Celebration is scheduled during the week preceding the US Open to make it convenient for anyone interested in attending the US Open. Travel is easy via train, bus, or plane. Please feel free to reach out to the USIC by email to ICWeek@sportsplus.com to express your team's interest in participating, and they will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. They will follow up with you regarding team entry fees, hotel information and a schedule of matches, and other details. Here's to fostering friendship and fellowship on and off the court. We hope to seeyou in 2022! Sincerely, Robb Bunnen Chair IC Week and USIC 90th Celebration Don Tansey President USIC Previous Article Former IC Junior Challenge champion, wins Junior US Open Girls title Next Article France & Germany win Potter Cup and Two Presidents’ Cup titles
IC of Israel appoint new President and Honorary Secretary IC of Israel appoint new President and Honorary Secretary The IC of Israel have appointed Batsheva Mandel as the new President and Ruth Yishai as the new Honorary Secretary as of 1st September 2017
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2017 IC AGM 2017 IC AGM The 2017 AGM was held on the middle Sunday of The Wimbledon Championships at the National Tennis Centre
September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed
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Enrique Morea Enrique Morea It is with great sadness to inform the IC community of the passing of Enrique Morea at the age of 92, a founding member and President of the IC of Argentina for 20 years.
New IC Brochure published New IC Brochure published The latest edition of the IC Brochure has been published.
IC lapel pins IC lapel pins The IC Council has produced a quantity of IC lapel pins for use by ICs everywhere.
Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller, former Brazil IC President, and later Honorary President, passed away yesterday at the age of 88