December 2016 IC Council 2016 Round-up As 2016 draws to an end, the IC can look back on another successful year full of competitive fixtures and events. Consistently played in the spirit of fairplay and sportsmanship, such celebrations of tennis have brought together many new and existing nations throughout the world. With the IC’s of the World now comprising of an impressive 40 nations, the 2017 calendar is already bursting with many fixtures and events. But for now, we look back at the key highlights of 2016 and the IC Council wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. January: Compass increases support for the IC Junior Challenge and is given the naming rights to the whole event February: The Jean Borotra CQS Sportsmanship Award 2016 – Rod Laver Awarded at the IC of Australia Annual Lunch by Paul McNamee, President of the IC of Australia April: Wallenberg Trophy – Stockholm IC’s: France, Germany, GB, Sweden Winners: IC of France May: 44th Potter Cup – Real Club de Polo, Barcelona, Spain IC’s: Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, USA Winners: IC of USA First Ladies Potter Cup invitational exhibition event between the IC of Spain and IC of Italy June: CQS 6 Nations Cup – Prague, Czech Republic (note title as 6 nations took part) IC’s: Australia, Bahamas, Czech Republic, Hungary, Uruguay, USA Winners: IC of Australia July: IC Council AGM – Roehampton, UK Attended by 54 people, representing 37 countries Key points: website upgrades, 2017 calendar, IC Philanthropy, Business plan, re-elected officers, Council finances, full fixture list for next year August: IC of New Zealand 60th Anniversary Celebrations – Auckland Honorary guests: Peter McQuibban (Chairman of the IC Council Executive Committee), Celia Patrick (President of Tennis New Zealand and ITF Board Member) Awards: Lifetime Membership of the club to Jeff Robson IC Philanthropy new website As part of the IC’s overall website and digital improvements, the IC of Philanthropy webpage was the first to be updated September: Compass IC Junior Challenge Finals – Monte Carlo, Monaco IC’s: Argentina, Monaco/ France, Japan, Spain, South Africa, USA Winners: IC of Spain Sportsmanship awards: Yuki Ando (IC of Japan) and Alexandre Figl (IC of Monaco/ France) October: The IV Tennis Golf Challenge – Cala Mesquida, Majorca IC’s: Denmark, GB, Spain Winners: IC of Spain November: Columbus Trophy – Delhi Gymkhana Club, India IC’s: Argentina, Belgium, France, GB, India (2 teams), Japan Winners: IC of France 6 Nations Trophy – Punte del Este, Uruguay IC’s: USA, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Canada and Uruguay December: IC Council website upgrade The first phase of the IT upgrade sees the IC Council website being redesigned and upgraded, and due to go live in 2017 Previous Article IC of New Zealand - 60th Anniversary Celebrations Next Article Sir Andy Murray
IC of Israel appoint new President and Honorary Secretary IC of Israel appoint new President and Honorary Secretary The IC of Israel have appointed Batsheva Mandel as the new President and Ruth Yishai as the new Honorary Secretary as of 1st September 2017
The annual lunch for Presidents and Secretaries at Wimbledon The annual lunch for Presidents and Secretaries at Wimbledon The Council of International Lawn Tennis Clubs held their annual lunch for Presidents and Secretaries of the 40 International Clubs.
2017 IC AGM 2017 IC AGM The 2017 AGM was held on the middle Sunday of The Wimbledon Championships at the National Tennis Centre
September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed
Overview of a successful Potter Cup Overview of a successful Potter Cup The 2017 Potter Cup saw the first edition of a Ladies event alongside the longstanding Men’s event, which celebrated its 45th edition. And what a successful long-weekend it was!
Enrique Morea Enrique Morea It is with great sadness to inform the IC community of the passing of Enrique Morea at the age of 92, a founding member and President of the IC of Argentina for 20 years.
New IC Brochure published New IC Brochure published The latest edition of the IC Brochure has been published.
IC lapel pins IC lapel pins The IC Council has produced a quantity of IC lapel pins for use by ICs everywhere.
Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller Eugenio Saller, former Brazil IC President, and later Honorary President, passed away yesterday at the age of 88