IC Council News

Event date: 30/03/2022 - 03/04/2022 Export event
March 2022
IC Uruguay 40th Anniversary Event 30th March 2022

IC Uruguay 40th Anniversary Event 30th March 2022

The IC Uruguay 40th Anniversary Event is all set and kicks off on the 30th March 2022 at the Club del Lago, Punto de Este.

The event will see the ICs of; Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France and Uruguay, with mens and women’s teams of over 40year olds competing in both singles and doubles. As well as a wheelchair tennis event and a philanthropy programme presentation, there will also be a highlight event featuring Roland Garros early seventies players. This includes the 1975 winning team of Fiorela Bonicelli (URU) & Thomaz Koch (BRZ) and other top players such as; Raquel Giscafre (ARG), Patricia Medrado (BRZ), Ricardo Canó (ARG) and Jamie fullol (CHL).

There are also many social events and tourist excursions the teams are looking forward to. For more information, see the attached brochure, factsheet and schedule.

Richard Cousins, CEO, Compass Group Richard Cousins, CEO, Compass Group

Richard Cousins, CEO, Compass Group

Members of the International Lawn Tennis Club all over the world will be sorry to learn of the sudden and tragic death in an air crash, of Richard Cousins
Janine Borotra sadly passes away Janine Borotra sadly passes away

Janine Borotra sadly passes away

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Janine Borotra on the 27th November, at the age of 91