IC Council News

April 2017
New IC Brochure published

New IC Brochure published

The latest edition of the IC Brochure has been published and can be downloaded to read here
The brochure reports on the events and highlights of the worldwide ICs throughout the last three years. It shows the strong growing community of international tennis players of all ages across an increasing number of nations, with now 40 countries around the world having an established an International Club. Highlights include: 
- Events overview including; 2014 IC Week in Mexico, 2014 La Carreta Trophy in Germany, 2014 and 2016 Wallenberg Trophy in Great Britain and Sweden, 2016 Columbus Trophy in India and the 2014, 2015 and 2016 Potter Cup in Spain 

- Compass IC Junior Challenge; reports of the 2014 event held at The All England Lawn Tennis Club Wimbledon, Great Britain and the 2016 event held at the Monte Carlo Country Club, Monaco. Now a permanent fixture in the calendar, the Compass IC Junior Challenge is a wonderful opportunity for Juniors to gain international match experience at some of the world's best tennis clubs 

- IC Philanthropy; established in 2009, the IC Philanthropy (ICP) has established a growing portfolio of programmes across the world to use tennis as a means of providing disadvantaged children with an alternative path in life 

- Jean Borotra CQS Sportsmanship Award for a player who has shown the outstanding standard of sportsmanship commensurate with the objects of the International Clubs throughout their playing career. Steffi Graf was awarded it in 2014, and Rod Laver in 2016. 

- 2017 preview and further information  

Many thanks to Alexander Kurucz, President of the IC of Germany and member of the IC Executive Committee, for his time and meticulous work on the content, layout and overall production on such a large project and fantastic publication. Extended thanks must also go to the following members of the IC Executive Committee; Julian Tatum (IC of GB) and Berta Tintore (IC of Spain) for their support and the articles on the Compass IC Junior Challenge and Potter Cup respectively, alongside everyone else who helped put the content and overall design together. 

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