IC Council News

July 2019
The 2019 IC Council AGM

The 2019 IC Council AGM

A record number of 38 out of 42 ICs attended the 2019 IC Council AGM on the middle Sunday of The Wimbledon Championships.

In usual format, the IC Council held a series of workshops in the morning, followed by the formal AGM after lunch.

The workshops included;


  • An update on the 2018 Business Template Reports, covering an update of the club's members, events and activities
  • An update from the IC Philanthropy, including guidance on how to create an IC Philanthropy programme
  • A matchmaking session, split into regions

Most excitingly, during the AGM, the formation of the IC of Croatia was formally approved. We welcome Croatia into the International Lawn Tennis Club, which now brings us to a total of 42 ICs of the world.

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