January 2019 IC of Australia launch 'Beyond the Tour' The IC of Australia has launched a new initiative to assist players as they transition to life after professional tennis. The aim of the initiative run by the IC of Australia is to support those retiring as they transition to life after the pro tour by offering; firstly a connection to an ongoing tennis family, then as required, assistance in areas including mentoring, education, job seeking, networking, health and wellbeing. In partnership with Tennis Australia, the launch of Beyond the Tour (BTT) took place at a cocktail party at the Australian Open. The Vice President of the IC of Australia, Kerryn Pratt, hosted the event with the IC of Australia President, Geoff Masters officially launching the BTT program. There were around 90 attendees from the tennis community. Both current and former players including; John Newcombe, Evonne Cawley, Frank Sedgman, Scott Draper and Janet Young, and Tennis Australia attendees including; CEO Craig Tiley, Chief Tennis Officer Matt Dwyer and one of the excellent line-up of speakers on the night, Head of Performance, Wally Masur. Seven new members were inducted into the BTT program on the night; Isabella Holland, Ashling Sumner, Adam Hubble, Stephanie Bengson, Greg Jones, Casey Dellacqua, Sally Peers. The event was hugely enjoyed by all and the IC was praised for recognising and acting on such an important aspect of life after not only professional tennis, but after all professional sports. The event and the initiative was also picked up in various media coverage: https://www.playersvoice.com.au/renee-beck-when-cheering-stops/ https://www.theage.com.au/sport/tennis/reid-family-legends-praise-initiative-for-struggling-ex-stars-20190116-p50rpn.html For more information and who to contact, please visit the IC of Australia website Previous Article New Merchandise Item! Next Article Paul Hutchins
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